Etsittekö keinoja päivittää liiketoimintaprosesseja uuden teknologian avulla?
Haluatteko vaihtaa ideoita ja keskustella uusista teknologioista yli yritysrajojen?
Tervetuloa vierailulle SAP Experience Centeriin Kööpenhaminaan 12. syyskuuta! Matkan järjestävät pohjoismaiden käyttäjäyhdistykset, joten pääset tutustumaan Tanskan, Norjan, Ruotsin sekä Suomen edustajiin. Finugia matkalla edustaa toiminnanjohtaja Aleksi Rustholkarhu. Ja tietenkin paikalla on SAP osaajia sekä mielenkiintoisia asiakastarinoita. Tapaamme mm. SAP Experience Centerin johtajan, Thomas Madsenin. #SAPExperienceCenterCHP kestitsee kerralla yli 60 henkeä.
Alustava aikataulu ke 12.9.2018
- 09:00 – 10:00 Registration and morning coffee
- 10:00 – 10:15 Welcome by Martin Schirmer, SAP Nordic Managing Director
- 10:15 – 11:00 SAP’s digital vision and strategy by Jesper Schleimann, Nordic Chief Technology Officer
- 11:00 – 11:40 Let’s THINK and Innovate. Design Thinking use case(s) from a customer or several use cases presented by Gitte Winther Bruhn, SAP. Demonstrate from A-Z how Design Thinking can be used from ideation to execution/implementation.
- 11:45 – 13:15 Split in 2 – Half the group to the experience center tour hosted by Thomas Madsen and Thomas Schoerner and half goes for lunch to enable everyone to visit the experience center.
- 13:15 – 15:30 Join one of two innovation breakout tracks: Experience SAP C/4HANA & The Intelligent Enterprise in action
- 16:00 – 17:30 Networking tapas and farewell
Vierailu on pääasiassa tarkoitettu aktiivisille SAP Finug jäsenille. Finug on varannut 20 paikkaa, mutta suuremmille ryhmille on mahdollisuus neuvotella lisäpaikkoja. Rekisteröityminen tilaisuuteen on ilmaista, sillä SAP sponsoroi tilaisuuden. Finug välittää ilmoittautumiset ja peruutukset tilaisuuteen. Huomioithan, että osallistujat vastaavat omista matkajärjestelyistään ja kustantavat omat matka- sekä majoituskulut. Tervetuloa mukaan matkaan!
Mitä SAP Experience Center Kööpenhamina vierailu
Missä Lautrupsgade 11, 2100 Kööpenhamina, Tanska
Milloin 12.9.2018 klo 09:00 – 16:00
Lue lisää #SAPExperienceCenterCPH:
Finug jäsenille on lähetetty matkasta kutsu. Jos olet kiinnostunut matkasta, niin ota yhteys:
In English:
Visit to SAP Experience Center Copenhagen on 12th of September
Are you planning to change your business processes based on the options found in new technology?
Would you like to exchange ideas and discuss cross-company with people in other companies?
Reserve the 12th of September, where we plan to go to the SAP Experience Centre Copenhagen! The travel is organized by the Nordic user groups, which means you’ll meet the Danish, Norwegian, Finnish and Swedish company representatives. Aleksi Rustholkarhu is Finug representative on the visit. Off course there will be experts from SAP and lots of interesting real-life cases. We will meet the Head of SAP Experience Center Copenhagen Thomas Madsen. The #SAPExperienceCenterCPH can take 60+ guests at the same time.
Preliminary agenda for September 12
- 09:00 – 10:00 Registration and morning coffee
- 10:00 – 10:15 Welcome by Martin Schirmer, SAP Nordic Managing Director
- 10:15 – 11:00 SAP’s digital vision and strategy by Jesper Schleimann, Nordic Chief Technology Officer
- 11:00 – 11:40 Let’s THINK and Innovate. Design Thinking use case(s) from a customer or several use cases presented by Gitte Winther Bruhn, SAP. Demonstrate from A-Z how Design Thinking can be used from ideation to execution/implementation.
- 11:45 – 13:15 Split in 2 – Half the group to the experience center tour hosted by Thomas Madsen and Thomas Schoerner and half goes for lunch to enable everyone to visit the experience center.
- 13:15 – 15:30 Join one of two innovation breakout tracks: Experience SAP C/4HANA & The Intelligent Enterprise in action
- 16:00 – 17:30 Networking tapas and farewell
The meeting is mainly intended as a gratuity for active Finug members. Finug has reserved around 20 seats, but there might be some extra seats for larger groups. Registeration for the event is free, because it is sponsored by SAP. Finug takes care of registration and cancellations. Please note that participants will be responsible for their travel arrangements and for their travel and accommodation costs. Welcome to the trip!
More info on #SAPExperienceCenterCPH:
What Visit to SAP Experience Center Copenhagen
Where Lautrupsgade 11, 2100 København, Denmark
When 12.9.2018 klo 09:00 – 16:00
Finug members have received the travel invitation. If you are interested in this trip, please contact:
Ystävällisesti / Best regards
SAP Finug hallitus